Hacking an IKEA mirror [part 6]

Now we get to the software side of this project. In a new micro-SD card, I installed the latest version of Raspbian, expanded the fs to use the whole card,  connected the system to my wifi and then run the following commands: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio I […]


Home automation in Node.js with Raspberry PI and Arduino. Source: heimcontrol.js A very interesting project. You can skip the node.js compilation by just using apt-get. You have to compile mongodb from source, which takes ages…


Meteor is a complete platform for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript. Source: Meteor Looks interesting…  

Take Snapshots using Python

1 2 3 import ImageGrab img = ImageGrab.grab() img.save(’arkadian.png’,’PNG’)import ImageGrab img = ImageGrab.grab() img.save(‘arkadian.png’,’PNG’) A quick and easy way to take a snapshot of your current window. You can always use JPG, but the quality is better in PNG. Works in Windows and requires PIL.