It came to my attention today that a workshop took place in Italy a while ago on Arduino/Ikea lamps. This was an Arduino Workshop, part of the Torino Design Week. Event Description: Video on Vimeo: Arduino Code: Blog post: My original Arduino/Ikea lamp post was used quite a bit. One of […]
40 days ago, I added here a post about a “hacked” IKEA lamp; a simple lamp, fitted with 20 RGB leds, an arduino board and a push-to-make switch which I built as a gift to the 2 year old daughter of a good friend of mine. Now, the lamp has appeared on the front page […]
This is a project I have been working on for the past 2-3 weeks. I wanted to create a night light which had to be very simple to use and with no parts that can be consumed by babies! 🙂 I used 20 RGB LEDs (which I got from, an old Eriksson phone charger […]