As promised, here is a video I’ve put together of the RC mode.
Robot Challenge 008 from Arkadian.Eu on Vimeo.
Also as promised, here is the Python code which, when run on a Raspberry Pi, it receives OSC signals from my iPad, interprets them and gets the Arduino board to perform the required action.
This is very rough, and doesn’t not include the code for clockwise and anticlockwise rotation (as I made the addition directly on the raspberry and it’s now out of battery). Clearly, this requires the simpleOSC and pyFirmata libraries to be installed. Most of the code you see here is just a quick mashup, based on examples from the SimpleOSC and pyFirmata libraries. For me the key is that it works! 🙂
import OSC, time, threading, os, serial import pyfirmata from pyfirmata import * from boards import BOARDS class ArduinoMega(Board): """ A board that will set itself up as an Arduino Mega. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): args = list(args) args.append(BOARDS['arduino_mega']) super(ArduinoMega, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return 'Arduino Mega %s on %s' % (, self.sp.port) # Adjust that the port match your system: PORT = '\\.\COM4' #On Windows #PORT = '/dev/ttyACM0' #On RPi # Creates a new board board = ArduinoMega(PORT) # ################################################################## def engine(path, tags, args, source): print path, "@TAGS", tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source file = "Car_Start_2.mp3" print "starting engine" #os.startfile(file) # # ################################################################## def rcMode(path, tags, args, source): print path, "@TAGS", tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source print "Switching to RC mode" #os.startfile(file) # ################################################################## def autoMode(path, tags, args, source): print path, "@TAGS", tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source print "Switching to AUTO mode" #os.startfile(file) # ################################################################## def questMode(path, tags, args, source): print path, "@TAGS", tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source print "Switching to QUEST mode" #os.startfile(file) # LIGHTS SECTION # ################################################################## PIN2 = board.get_pin('d:2:p') def lightR(path, tags, args, source): PIN2.write(1 - args[0]) print path, "@TAGS", tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source # ################################################################## # ################################################################## PIN3 = board.get_pin('d:3:p') def lightG(path, tags, args, source): PIN3.write(1- args[0]) print path, "@TAGS", tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source # ################################################################## # ################################################################## PIN4 = board.get_pin('d:4:p') def lightB(path, tags, args, source): PIN4.write(1-args[0]) print path, "@TAGS", tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source # ################################################################## # ################################################################## PIN13 = board.get_pin('d:13:p') def lightFloor(path, tags, args, source): PIN13.write(1 - args[0]) print path, "@TAGS", tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source # ################################################################## # MOTOR SECTION # ################################################################## PINA = board.get_pin('d:8:s') PINB = board.get_pin('d:9:s') PINC = board.get_pin('d:10:s') PIND = board.get_pin('d:11:s') def motor(aa,bb,cc,dd): print aa, bb, cc, dd if aa==1: PINA.write(20) if aa==-1: PINA.write(138) if aa==0: PINA.write(91) if bb==1: PINB.write(20) if bb==-1: PINB.write(138) if bb==0: PINB.write(91) if cc==1: PINC.write(20) if cc==-1: PINC.write(138) if cc==0: PINC.write(91) if dd==1: PIND.write(20) if dd==-1: PIND.write(138) if dd==0: PIND.write(91) def xmotor(path, tags, args, source): direction = path.split("/")[2] print "PIN", path.split("/")[2], "@TAGS", print tags, "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source if args[0]==0: motor(0,0,0,0) else: if direction == "nn" : motor(1,0,-1,0) if direction == "ne" : motor(1,1,-1,-1) if direction == "ee" : motor(0,1,0,-1) if direction == "se" : motor(-1,1,1,-1) if direction == "ss" : motor(-1,0,1,0) if direction == "sw" : motor(-1,-1,1,1) if direction == "ww" : motor(0,-1,0,1) if direction == "nw" : motor(1,-1,-1,1) if direction == "freeze": motor(0,0,0,0) # ################################################################## # ################################################################## def user_callback(path, tags, args, source): user = ''.join(path.split("/")) print "cb-->", path, "@TAGS", tags, print "@ARGS", args, "@SOURCE", source def quit_callback(path, tags, args, source): #pass # don't do this at home (or it'll quit blender) global run run = False # tupple with ip, port receive_address = "", 7110 # OSC Server. there are three different types of server. #s = OSC.OSCServer(receive_address) # basic s = OSC.ThreadingOSCServer(receive_address) # threading ##s = OSC.ForkingOSCServer(receive_address) # forking s.addDefaultHandlers() s.addMsgHandler( "/1/start", engine) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/rc", rcMode) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/auto", autoMode) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/quest", questMode) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/nn", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/ne", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/ee", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/se", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/ss", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/sw", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/ww", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/nw", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/1/freeze", xmotor) s.addMsgHandler( "/2/red", lightR) s.addMsgHandler( "/2/green", lightG) s.addMsgHandler( "/2/blue", lightB) s.addMsgHandler( "/2/grey", lightFloor) s.addMsgHandler( "/ping", user_callback ) s.addMsgHandler( "/quit", quit_callback ) # define a message-handler function for the server to call. def printing_handler(addr, tags, stuff, source): print "---" print "received new osc msg from %s" % OSC.getUrlStr(source) print "with addr : %s" % addr print "typetags %s" % tags print "data %s" % stuff print "---" s.addMsgHandler("/print", printing_handler) # adding our function # just checking which handlers we have added print "Registered Callback-functions are :" for addr in s.getOSCAddressSpace(): print addr # Start OSCServer print "\nStarting OSCServer. Use ctrl-C to quit." st = threading.Thread( target = s.serve_forever ) st.start() try : while 1 : pass except KeyboardInterrupt : print "\nClosing OSCServer." s.close() print "Waiting for Server-thread to finish" st.join() ##!!! print "Done" |
Lines 150-173 are linked to my touchOSC template. For instance “nn” stands for North, “ne” for North East etc…
The TouchOSC editor allows you to give your buttons friendly names. The created template itself, while suffixed with a “.touchosc”, is simply a zipped xml file (in case you want to really fine-tune it!). The editor does a great job – pity it doesn’t work with Android…
Lines 116-124 control the wheels. Basically, 1 is clockwise, -1 is acti-clockwise and 0 is break. The list in motor(1,0,-1,0) includes a value for each one of my four motors. The two rotation functions missing here, simply have motor(1,1,1,1) and motor(-1,-1,-1,-1).
The engine function (line 28) will be playing an mp3 with the sound of a car engine starting, when the virtual engine key is turned. It works fine on Windows and it should be quite easy to get it to work on RPi too.