Robot Challenge 007

I had a productive couple of days. Arkadian AV-1 is now operational as a remote control vehicle. Arduino I’m using the StandardFirmata library on the Arduino Mega 2560, with no modifications whatsoever. It was by far the easiest way to get RaspberryPi to control the 4 motors, receive feedback from the 4 sensors (on order […]

Robot Challenge 004

The chassis is now more or less operational. Here is a video of it being controlled by an arduino. Robot Challenge 004 from Arkadian.Eu on Vimeo. In this example, all wheels get the same movement instructions, but, as the weight of the battery is falling mostly on one wheel, the rotation is not perfect. In […]

Robot Challenge 003

Today I worked on a few necessary but rather boring parts of the construction. I got the Sparkfun compass module from Proto-Pic and spent a few hours setting it up and calibrating it. I used the HMC5883L Arduino library example to generate the following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 […]

Arduino Cookbook on its way!

A Safari Online subscription was one of the best things I took on in 2010. As part of the service, subscribers can access early drafts of Oreilly books. Yesterday, I had a quick look at the upcoming “Arduino Cookbook” and I here is my review. I really like the Oreilly “Cookbook” series. With most programming […]

Italian workshop on Arduino/Ikea Lamps!

It came to my attention today that a workshop took place in Italy a while ago on Arduino/Ikea lamps. This was an Arduino Workshop, part of the Torino Design Week. Event Description: Video on Vimeo: Arduino Code: Blog post: My original Arduino/Ikea lamp post was used quite a bit. One of […]

WiShield from async_labs

This past week, I got my hands on a WiShield 2.0 from Async Labs ( This is a very exiting addition to my collection of shields as it adds wifi capabilities to my projects! There is a nice wiki page on the async_labs site ( and relevant code (libraries & examples) is hosted at the […]