Arduino & LCD Smartie

This weekend I played with the Arduino/LCD Smartie combination and I was impressed both by the results and by the simplicity of the whole project. If you have the right LCD shield and you don’t have to do any soldering, you can be up and running in 10-15 minutes. For those who are not familiar […]

simpleDateFormat in Processing

I spent about an hour, trying to figure out how to use the simpleDateFormat java library in Processing… It seemed so straight forward, yet I couldn’t get it to work… Well, it seems that the only thing I had to add is a try/catch. So, this example works: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 […]

Parsing files with Processing…

In the following basic example, I’m using Processing to parse a 2GB textfile. The textfile I’m using (content.rdf.u8) is from the project. You can download the compressed file here. As mentioned earlier, the size of the textfile, content.rdf.u8, is approx 2GB. For a sample of the contents and structure of the file, follow this […]

Processing, MySQL and RAM tables…

I’m currently working on a simulation model in Processing, which creates in every cycle, 350,000 lines of temporary data in chunks of 1,000 lines. I decided to save the temporary data in a MySQL table, as this allows me to easily add an extra query at the end that summarises everything and saves the final […]

Image manipulation with Processing (part 3)

This is one more example of what can be achieved with Processing. The problem here is to create a pop-art image using the famous Andy Warhol format: the same image is re-produced 9 times; each time, a different 3 colour combination is used (one colour for the background, one for the black pixels of the […]

Image manipulation with Processing (part 2)

Here is another little project that illustrates the power of Processing. The aim of this project is to take a photo, slice it into a 20×20 grid and save the individual slices as separate images. If you then print these 400 images to 7″x5″ (15cm x 10cm) and you put them together in the right […]