About the Oomlout.co.uk site

The www.oomlout.co.uk is a very interesting site. To begin with, they have an online shop where you can buy Arduino boards, shields and electronic components. Well, there are many sites that do exactly that. What’s interesting is that they’ve created a great Arduino Starter kit. This kit is the best kit I’ve seen around for […]

Processing & Arduino book reviews

During the past 12 months, I have gone through a few books on Arduino and Processing. In this post, I’m going to give you my thoughts on these books. I’ll go through the books in the order I read them, which is not unfortunately the same as the order I should have read them. You’ll […]

Image manipulation with Processing (part 3)

This is one more example of what can be achieved with Processing. The problem here is to create a pop-art image using the famous Andy Warhol format: the same image is re-produced 9 times; each time, a different 3 colour combination is used (one colour for the background, one for the black pixels of the […]

My arduino clock…

I love automation in the office, as it elliminates the chance of human error and it gives us time to actually do other things, while giving the boring stuff to our faithful servants, the computers. We used to have a very time-consuming task that had to be done every morning. It involved downloading a number […]